2025 CAP Student Member or Affiliate Form

Online Application/Renewal/Reactivation form for STUDENT Members/Affiliates


All NON students must use this form.


Note, all amounts are in Canadian dollars, and, if you are having problems with this form, please email CAP or phone 343-361-3326

New Member/Affiliate
Membership/Affiliation Type options will appear below when you answer the question above.
* optional - select as many as you wish.
* optional - select as many as you wish.
Contributions of $100 or more makes you a Sustaining Member. Your name will also appear in our online directory of sustaining members.

Charitable Contributions (tax-deductible)

The CAP Foundation (CAPF), through the generous donations it receives, supports its activities and resources that reach out to a broad cross section of Canadian physics students. Be part of the support that will help continue to expand our outreach; click DONATE NOW.
NOTE: The link will take you to a new tab to complete your donation; then close that tab and you will return to this window to complete your renewal.

Total Amount
Please enter a Username to create an account. If you already have an account please login before completing this form.
Contact Information
This address will be used for all correspondence sent by regular mail; please make sure it is complete and accurate.
Note: You will be able to add alternate mailing addresses, e-mails, and telephone numbers, once you are given access to your CAP online account.
A NEW membership/affiliateship application includes AUTOMATIC subscriptions to CAP's electronic News Bulletins, and Newsflashes. Feel free to opt out at anytime via your online account or by using the unsubscribe feature in messages received. Your membership also includes early access to our online publication Physics in Canada (PiC) at https://pic-pac.cap.ca.
Billing Name and Address
Additional Information
Enter your current employer name in full; No abbreviations/acronyms. If not currently employed, enter "N/A".
NOTE: You will be able to edit the information that appears in the "Secure Online Member-only Directory" once your CAP online account has been activated.
- Bulletin de nouvelles de l'ACP
- CAP Awards NewsFlash
- CAP Community NewsFlash
- CAP Congress News
- CAP News Bulletin
- CAP NewsFlash
- CAP Science Policy NewsFlash
- Employment Ad Notification List - all posted ads
Subscribe to this mailing list to receive notifications when ANY employment ad has been posted to the CAP website.
- Employment Ad Notification List - Gender Equity in Physics
Subscribe to this mailing list to receive ONLY those employment ads the submitter has specifically requested be circulated to subscribers of our gender equity in physics distribution list.
- Employment Ad Notification List - Student-level ads only
Subscribe to this mailing list to receive ONLY those employment/opportunity ads targeted to be filled by undergraduate or graduate students.
- Flash d'Info de l'ACP
- Flash d'Info de la communauté
- Flash d'Info de la politique scientifique de l'ACP
- Flash d'Info lauréats de l'ACP
- Info Congrès de l'ACP


Current Program Details
Please specify the country in parentheses ().
e.g. physics, engineering physics
Bachelor's Degree Details
For a non-Canadian university, please specify the country in parentheses ()
e.g. physics, engineering physics
Master's Degree Details
For a non-Canadian university, please specify the country in parentheses ()
e.g. physics, engineering physics